After thinking more about Jonah, early the next morning I was awakened about 3 a.m. to pray for someone that is in a tight situation, you might call it the “Jonah hold”. He is floundering and much like one being thrown into the sea of chaos. I got on my knees and prayed and later went to the second chapter of Jonah for it says in Jonah 2:2, “I called to the Lord in my distress, and He answered me. From the depths of my watery grave I called for help, and you heard my cry.” Jonah was desperate and his life was slipping away but when he called to the Lord, He brought him back from the pit. Like many today, if you are now reading this and also in a desperate place and feel like you have no place to go, look up to the Lord and cry out for help. Quit striving to get out of the fix on your own and be like Jonah who asked for God’s help. Jonah concludes his prayer by saying, “But I’m worshiping you, God, calling out in thanksgiving! And I’ll do what I promised I’d do! Salvation belongs to God.”
When we live life in selfish ways on our own terms, we get into big messes. But let us not run from the Lord and go on our own, but cry to the Lord and run to Him! He will hear and answer us and take our messes and give us a message to share with others where they may also go. Then like Jonah, we will be filled with praise and thanksgiving instead of watching our life slip away. His obedience also ended up saving a whole city from destruction.
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