Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good weekend! I cleaned this morning and made bars and soon we are going to check on friends that are moving in today to the apartment two doors down! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart,
As I was asking the Lord what to write today, verse five from Psalm 40 stood out to me. David wrote, “You have done many miraculous things O Lord my God. You have made many wonderful plans for us. No one compares to you! I will tell others about your miracles, which are more than I can count.”David not only speaks to the Lord on his own behalf but also for the people of Israel who experienced so many miracles, especially as they were taken out of bondage and on to the Promised Land. They knew what it was like to drink from a rock, cross the Red Sea on dry land, and eat manna that appeared on the ground every day etc. David goes on to say he is in a hard place and asks the Lord to rescue him and deal with those who want his downfall. But interestingly, he first recalls God’s powerful ways and miracles He has done. It is good for us to do that as well, for it is faith building and helps us to trust Him in our present circumstances.
God is still doing miraculous things every day and I often hear of them when I get responses from you that receive my daily devotionals. One such one I received a few days ago was from a former missionary. I will use her words:
  “I was in Quito one time flying back to Bolivia and had misread my ticket. I thought it said 2:00 but instead it said 12:00 noon. I was standing at the ticket counter and some guy came along offering to wrap my box in plastic and said “There isn’t any more flights from this airline today.” I showed him my ticket and he noticed a very faint 1 in front of the 2! This was about 5 minutes to 12 so I was panicked but he took me back behind some doors and we found someone from that airline and I explained the problem. He told me that flight was delayed but I would have to hurry so he got me booked through and the guy (who had wrapped my box for me) was waiting for me and raced me to the security check and I got through. Once I was through, I happened to think that I still had some Ecuadorian money and since I wasn’t coming back (this was when I was just there for a few weeks helping out and going back to Bolivia) I turned back to find him to give it to him and no one was there. I asked the Security guys about him and they just gave me blank looks like as if “someone was with you?”  I have told friends about this and they said, “So no one else saw him? It was an Angel!”
She wrote that many other miracles happened to her, and most likely to all of us. I’m sure we have all experienced healings, unexplainable things that could only be God, heart changes in ourselves and loved ones etc.Let us not forget the goodness of the Lord and how He has shown His power and mercy to us.
Challenge for today: Thank God for the miracles in your life and share one of them with someone God brings into your life.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy