Dear Ones,
Hope you got the nice rain that we got this morning and everything out my window is looking fresh again. Al had men’s group this morning and I was able to clean some in his study while he was gone. I went to Exercise class and this afternoon is Crafts and then Bible Study tonight.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How bold are we for the Lord and what may it cost us?
I read recently about the abduction by Islamists of over 100 students from a Baptist High school in Nigeria. The attackers came on motorbikes and started shooting as they broke through the perimeter fence of the school. Some students were able to escape but 125 were missing and since then some have been returned. There are so many attacks and mass kidnappings happening all over theworld today and in Nigeria this was the 10th one since December.
There are many today who are standing up for their faith and it is costing them their lives. It takes courage to stand up for what is right and not blend in to a culture that wants to keep Christ out. Jesus never gave in to the pressures of the world for He knew His purpose and never wavered in fulfilling it. We are to stand out from our culture and not blend in but to stand on the Rock who is Jesus. Like the chorus of the song by Ruth Caye Jones goes, “This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He’s the One; this Rock is Jesus, the only One; Be very sure, be very sure, Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.”
Shakia Clark writes about ways to help us if we want to stand on the Solid Rock. She said we are to spend time reading the Word and getting our instruction from the Lord. As it says in Psalm 119:105 (ESV), “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” A young man we know and pray for daily, is soon going to get married; both he and his fiancé just recited 60 key Bible verses that they had memorized word perfect. What a wonderful way to challenge one another by committing the Word to memory!
Clark also shares how important it is to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us and lead is in God’s way. That means we will also need to have an obedient heart. Have you ever prayed, “Lord show me your will but don’t make me do…………” You fill in the blank! Obedience isn’t always easy but the Lord asks us to trust Him and obey Him, even when we don’t see the whole picture. Sometimes that may mean standing alone but He is always, always with us. Clark also reminds us to speak the truth but to do it in love and not to fight back and get even.
We will all be tested at times and we need to stand firm on that stable Rock no matter what the cost!
Challenge for today: Memorize Psalm 119:105 and put it to practice by reading the Word daily.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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