Devotions from Judy’s heart
Yesterday at Renewal class we talked about gratitude. Isn’t it refreshing to be around grateful, positive people? They may say thanks to people around them, like the cashier, that others neglect to thank. Their attitude can be contagious. If we were one of the crowd of 5,000 that Jesus fed, imagine how grateful we would be that the little boy with the 5 loaves and 2 fish would share his lunch. At our house, our 3 grandsons come to the table full of anticipation. Yesterday they had mounds of potatoes with their meatloaf dinner and fresh gluten-free cookies on a stick for desert. With contented expressions on their faces they said words of gratitude for the meal. It makes me want to make more things that they love. Paul even thanked me for cleaning today. ( his job at home is to clean and scrub the bathroom etc.) How good are we at expressing gratitude to those around us and especially to our Heavenly Father? I think He loves to give to His children but also to receive words of thanks. Ps. 118:1 “Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is good!!!!!”
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