Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to awareness of the Lord’s presence. The question today is have you had a time when you were suddenly aware that the Lord was so present in your circumstance and trying to teach you something? Hopefully we have all had those times and they are not forgotten. Today is Chocolate Raspberry day and baking cookies etc.; then later this afternoon Ann and Lars are coming for an early supper and we will be having the fresh peach pie for dessert!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How alert are we to recognize Jesus’ presence in our lives? Do we know His voice when He speaks to us in so many varied ways and are we able to see how He at work in our daily lives; or like so many, do we just chalk it up to coincidence?
I was reading the story of the two disciples on their way to Emmaus today and how they didn’t recognize Jesus on the road. It wasn’t until Jesus broke the bread that their eyes were opened to know it was Him. Then they remembered and said to each other,” Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the Scriptures?”
I have paid attention to this story all through my growing up years as I went to Bible Camp called Emmaus. It was my favorite time of the year and I wouldn’t have missed it for anything. It was at that camp that I committed my life to the Lord and began a life long journey wanting to know Him more intimately.
But do we always recognize His presence in our lives? Probably not. Sometimes we are unsure of His voice and follow the advice of others that seem to have louder voices. Or maybe we are in a difficult situation and we wonder where God is, even though He is in the midst of it and trying to teach us and get our attention.
Maybe we are a lot like the disciples on the road who couldn’t see the obvious and failed to recognize Jesus in their grief. We might want to pray daily to see Jesus in our present circumstances and listen for His voice as we read the Word and also hear Him as He speaks through others or what we may be studying at the time. God has so many ways to let us know He is right there with us, walking on the road together.
Challenge for the day: Enjoy Jesus’ presence in your day and listen to what He is saying to you.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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