Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you and hope you have time to get refueled. This morning I cleaned and did food prep as we are looking forward to having friends come for a retreat weekend later on today. He will be also be sharing with the missions committee on Sunday. Yesterday we enjoyed a visit from Kurt and Brenda as they were on their way to the Silver Chateau. Timing was perfect as Al was through leading Bible Study when they came.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How do we know God’s will in our lives when we are questioning a big decision that needs to be made or even small situations in our lives that we have to respond to? Recently I heard from a mom who is needing to know which way God is leading her as her decision not only affects her but family as well. Such times we need to get away with the Lord in quiet so we can hear His voice above the other voices that may seek to persuade us in a certain direction. God invites us to seek Him for all our questions and as David prayed in Psalm 25:4-5(ESV), “Make your ways known to me, O Lord, and teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, because you are God, my Savior, I wait all day long for you.”
God’s answers come in varied ways; sometimes we get a scripture that just seems to light up and answers the need we have. Other times God may use a godly counselor or friend and their words seem to hit the mark. We may also just get a sense in our spirit and have peace in the direction we are moving towards.
This morning I shared with the mom, the example of our son. Kurt, who had a God-incidence recently. One day as he came home, he suddenly realized his billfold was missing and tried to backtrack where he had been. He searched the car three times from top to bottom three and looked all over the house to no avail. Brenda called and canceled their debit card, and finally after hours of looking high and low, Kurt just sat down and prayed intensely for the Lord’s help. What came to mind was the garbage, which seemed rather unlikely to him but he went to search anyway. He examined everything carefully and when he finally got to the bottom, he could feel his billfold. Happy Day!! There it was and what a relief. Perhaps one of the kids cleared the counter and something was on top of the billfold, who knows? But there the answer was! PTL!
At the close of writing to the mom who had the question, I told her that whenever I wonder if I am hearing correctly, I ask the Lord to confirm to me His way, that I may know in my heart if I am going right. I recalled that I was awakened last night, wondering also about a decision I was to make and asking God to confirm what I thought He was saying. When I went to my e-mails, the first one I read, answered it exactly. Lord you are so faithful!
Challenge for the day: Go to the Lord with all your questions and wonders and quietly listen to Him speak.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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