Devotions based on Juliet Benner’s book, Contemplative Vision

When the Lord becomes the center of our lives, we become aware that His creative love is within us. This enables us to live in freedom, with authenticity, and with new awareness of what is truly important. As our lives are continually transformed we will be willing to die to the things that keep us from Him.  The author shares her thoughts on Ridolfo Ghirlandaio’s painting of “Procession to Calvary” which shows Jesus on his way to be crucified. Jesus bears his cross with courage and faith and presses on toward the goal. I wonder if we can see Him when our circumstances are dark and involve suffering.  The people around Jesus are united with Him in His suffering as well as each other.  Sharing our faith journey with others creates the kind of community where we can help each other see where He is in the middle of our life’s adversities. When we walk the way of the cross our struggles are given perspective and meaning. We know there is always ultimate meaning because of the resurrection. We have a wonderful, glorious, assured destination!!!  Let us share the” fellowship of His sufferings. Phil 3:1.