I am learning so much as I study the life of Jeremiah and he shares how for 23 years he got up early and listened to what God would say to him and then gave the message to the people. He was very consistent and did not bank his early rising on the response of his message to the people or he would have quit long before. But instead of sleeping in, he rose early and listened to the Lord and passed it on until late at night. (Jermiah 25:3) He was not applauded for the messages he gave, but rather abused and mocked but he didn’t let it detour him. One such time he got discouraged and God said to him if he was tired from running a footrace how would he race against horses. (Jer. 12:5) It shook him out of his funk, and he responded with “I want to run with the horses!”
January 8, 2024
Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Al and I had a beautiful walk yesterday in the fresh snow. This morning I am doing food prep and going to Aldi’s and my exercise class.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Do we have ready hearts to receive the messages God has for us each day? Or are we off on a fast track and at the end of the day we slump over and fall asleep as we pray? We are beginning a New Year, and may we seek what is most important in life. We are here for such a short time and then enter into eternity which is forever and ever. Life on earth is only the prelude and why give so much attention and focus on what will all pass away.
Like Jeremiah we just do one day at a time. We get up and obey and meet with the Lord. Our life may not be a bowl of cherries either, but our part is to get up again and listen as the Lord speaks to us. How many times we get distracted and off course and we may be ashamed of our actions but God’s grace and love and forgiveness are always waiting for us. Yes, we will blow it in this New Year many times but as it says in Lamentations 3, His mercy and grace are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord for a ready heart to receive and respond to what He has for you each day.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy
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