Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to anticipation of another day to share with the most important One in your life. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Soul care is very important in our lives and we need to give great consideration to it. I was reminded of that recently as I read from Day by Day, by Billy Graham and he quoted Isaiah 58:11, “And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought.” He was expressing how our soul needs attention and demands fellowship with the Lord. When it doesn’t get fed and exercised daily, it begins to shrivel and get weak and restless. Some people may try to satisfy that longing with drinking or sex or even accumulating things but it will never work. Our souls were meant for God.
When I continued on with my personal devotional time, up popped another reference to the soul from Psalm 42:1-2a (God’s Word), “As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” The Psalmist goes on to say his soul was discouraged and restless but then he remembers God’s mercy and goodness and love; he focuses instead on God’ ability to help and puts his hope in the Lord and begins praising Him again.
When we neglect our souls, we become spiritually thirsty and can only satisfy that longing when we drink in God’s presence. Maybe it seems like God is silent or far away and we feel separated from Him.
Like the writer, let us not rest until our relationship is restored. We need to take time alone with Him, meditate on His word, and get our focus back on Him, remembering His goodness and mercy to us.
Let us not go around thirsty and feeling down but rather drink deeply from the flowing stream of living water.
Challenge for today: Spend time with the Lord and let Him satisfy your soul.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy