Dear Ones,
May your day be filled with joy! The house is filled with a pleasing aroma as I am baking, and Al is only too happy to lick the bowls. Today I have Exercise, Crafts and Bible Study.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Going to church and saying the right words is a lot easier than living a life of love and having a life of prayer and walk in obedience. Anyone can put on an outward appearance of living for the Lord but yet be lacking in substance and fail to walk with Him. Just like the marriage ceremony- it is easy to look good and say the right words but difficult to live out sacrificial love and patience in the marriage in the years that follow. We must embrace God if we are to be able to express daily love to others from our hearts and live in meaningful ways.

  I am reading a book about Jeremiah and God had a call on his life before he was born to be a prophet and call the people to live in relation to God. He didn’t feel qualified or ready, but God said he would be with him and tell him where to go and what to say by putting His words in his mouth. He gave him a big job to do, and Jeremiah didn’t compromise but spoke boldly. The people went to the temple and offered sacrifices, but they didn’t live out God’s ways and chased after other gods. Jeremiah told them what God had to say in Jer. 7:3-4, “Clean up your act –the way you live, the things you do—so I can make my home with you in this place. Don’t for a minute believe the lies being spoken here, ‘This is God’s temple, God’s Temple, God’s Temple!’”

   Could God also be saying to us, “Clean up your act, live no longer for yourself but for Me and God’s kingdom!” We can lift our hands to praise the Lord in church, recite the Lord’s prayer and then go out and live just like the world and take advantage of others etc. We are not to live on the basis of our outward image and appearances but be people of substance and truth. Just like in a healthy marriage, let us live in love and tenderness and listen carefully and walk in God’s love.

Challenge for today: Watch what you say today and then ask yourself if that is just something that sounds good or is it truth coming from your heart.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy