Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the weekend and keeping warm. We will have to walk in the underground again today! This morning I did food prep and cleaned the apartment and began to sort out clothes I no longer wear. The big game is on tonight as our pastor is a Packer Fan!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I love to eat, especially after I have gone to my exercise class. Even while I am dancing, using our weights and exercise bands, I may be thinking of the meal that awaits me when I get home. Before I go to class, I give Al instructions when to put the meal I have prepared ahead of time, in the oven so it is hot and ready to eat when I return home. It tastes extra good after a workout and satisfies my hunger!
Now wouldn’t it be great if we all felt that way about satisfying our spiritual hunger? What if we woke up each morning with great anticipation of what the Lord was going to feed us from His word; it might cause us to get up earlier, when others are still asleep, to have a special quiet time with the Lord and get our instructions for the day.  Whatever He feeds us, will be the fuel we need for the day and will keep us going.
Even though I have a hearty meal when I come from exercising, by supper time I am more than ready for another meal. Sometimes we might even have a little spiritual snack during the day when we go out with Christian friends. As we share the Lord together over coffee and a roll, it seems like we are refueled to go on our way with renewed energy and even excitement.
Just because we read the Word yesterday and spent some time in prayer, doesn’t mean we aren’t going to be spiritually hungry today. We need spiritual nutrition every day or our bodies wear down and don’t perform well. We might even get sick and need special care as a result.
Now maybe you are reading this and you don’t feel your heart is hungry for God. You can pray that He will put that desire in your heart for Him and as He said in Psalm 81:10, “Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.” We can just come to Him and open our heart and He does the rest. He satisfies the deepest hunger of our hearts, that we may not have been aware of or have denied.
We also have the promise in Psalm 107:9 (NLT), “For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” Let us not go around spiritually famished but receive the Bread of Life for our hungry souls.
Challenge for today: Spend some time reading your Bible and asking God to feed you just what He knows you need.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy