Dear Ones,
Hope you had a great weekend and rang in the New Year. Not so happy for the Vikings though! This morning I made egg dishes and then going to go to my Exercise class. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  What kind of a message do we send out to others by how we live our lives?   Do we often display behavior that is not Christ-like and cause them to question if we are part of God’s family? Sometimes our actions give the wrong impression to others and leave them wondering if we really know the Lord.
  Yesterday I went to church and wore a green sweater without giving it any serious thought. While I was a greeter and handing out bulletins, one gal said, “So you’re wearing green today?!” I thought, well why not, as it is a Christmas color and wondered why she commented. But it wasn’t long before a couple came in wearing Viking shirts and then it hit me that I was wearing a Packer color. I never thought of that when I got dressed that morning. Later our Pastor, who was wearing a Packer green shirt, commented on my sweater and wanted to take a picture of the two of us in green, which he could possibly use to blackmail me in the future. What I was wearing did not display who I am on the inside for I am a big Viking fan not a Packer fan, although I have been known to cheer for them when they are not playing the Vikings!
  Later I thought of how our behavior should display how we are on the inside. If we belong to the Lord, our words, our dress, and our actions should all reflect that to others each day. If we are honest, we will probably have to admit it isn’t always so. We can’t live life the Jesus way on our own but we have the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us. We need the Lord’s strength and I was encouraged as I read Paul’s word’s today from Phil 4:13 (Amplified), “I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me (I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency).” We will fail if we go in our own power and strength, for only by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit can we display His love and walk the walk. May our outer life reflect Jesus!
Challenge for today: Ask for strength to live in such a way that others see Jesus in you!
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy