Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the weekend. No more snow here for now.
This morning I wrote letters, made egg dishes and went went to church for our Women’s Bible study. We had a good turnout and good discussion and study. We are getting 2 free meals today and should be arriving any minute!

Devotions from Judy’s heart
As a child, I memorized, along with my siblings, the scripture verse from Heb. 4:12, only I will quote it to you from the Message translation. “God means what He says. What He says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey.” My mom, by example, taught us how important it is to be in the Word and let it speak to us. Like most of you reading my daily devotionals, we have many Bibles in our house of various translations. I use several different ones each day so that what is old and familiar will make new to me what the Lord is saying to me now. It is important to not just read scripture but make it our own. They are not just words but a true story of our sinful condition and God’s remedy. We find stories of so many heroes that had flaws and yet God used them to bring healing or even save a nation. It gives us all hope of what God can do through us if we are open and willing and how He forgives our past. I think of the apostle Paul and how he persecuted Christians and put them to death; and then when receiving the Lord, he was used of God to bring so many into His kingdom. It is most important not only that we just read the Word but that we apply it to our lives. It is a really more like learning to listen to what the Word is saying to us and asking how it impacts our lives. How do I need to change? It is also important to hear the Word preached as we go to church and along with others, listen to what is being said. We shouldn’t be ho-hum about this but expect that God has a specific word for us. Maybe not every Sunday, but there are times that God’s word seems to hit our exact need and it’s like He is directly speaking to our hearts. Some people have accused Al of preaching about them, as if he knows some secret in their lives. We may not have a fiery profound preacher but if he is basing his sermon on the Word, we can expect that God will have something to say to us. We should take that word given us and apply it to our everyday life. It is also good to memorize scripture as it seems to become part of us and to feed us, especially in situations when we need a word from God right then. One young dating couple we know are memorizing scriptures together and what a wonderful way to be drawn together in the Spirit. This week our pastor asked us to read the book of Judges and I wonder what God will have to say to me through it.
Challenge for today: Read a portion of scripture and really listen to what God is saying personally to you
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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