Dear Ones,
Happy New Year to you!! Wonder if you made it til midnight. Emoji We didn’t intend to, but went to a nice party here at Northern Lakes and enjoyed the good food, game and fellowship. This morning I am cleaning blinds, writing, and making Al snacky food to have when he watches the games this afternoon. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Instead of making out a list of Resolutions for this New Year, why not make a simple plan that we will do whatever the Lord asks of us. He wants all of us, not just bits and pieces of our lives; that means living in close relationship so we can hear His voice and be resolute to follow in obedience. But let us not fear of what He will ask of us because we know in our hearts that He is good; so, may we respond with all that we are. I’d like to share a poem by Mary Fairchild called, A New Year’s Plan
“I tried to think of a clever new phrase—
A slogan to inspire the next 365 days,
A motto to live by this coming New Year,
But the catchy words fell flat to my ear.
And then I heard His still small voice
Saying, “Consider this simple, daily choice:
With each new dawn and close of day
Make new your resolve to trust and obey.”
“Don’t look back, caught in regret
Or dwell on the sorrow of dreams unmet;
Don’t stare forward anchored by fear,
No, live in this moment, for I Am here.”
 “I am all you need. Everything. I Am.
You are held secure by my strong hand.
Give me this one thing—your all in all;
Into my grace, let yourself fall.”
So, at last, I’m ready; I see the way.
It’s to daily follow, trust, and obey.
I enter the New Year armed with a plan,
To give Him my everything—all that I am.”
 Challenge for today:  Resolve to live for His glory and ask the Holy Spirit to help you follow God’s plan for you each day.
Blessings as you go into this New Year. Sending prayers and love, Judy