Devotions based on Albert Haase’s book, “Living the Lord’s Prayer
Each Sunday when we go to church we find as many different images of God as there are people in the congregation. Each of us has painted an image of God on our heart that is framed from our past experiences and shaped by our present situation. If our image of God is healthy, we will see Him as an unconditionally loving God being as close to us as a father to his child. This healthy God-image will call forth selfless, sacrificial love for others as an expression of our response to God for His great love. .
Our God-image shapes everything about our spirituality from why we pray to how we understand suffering and evil in the world. Sometimes we find it hard to let go of our distorted unhealthy images of God.
When we call Him our Father does it bring up feelings of love, respect, trust, and familiarity? Or do we picture our father as distant and aloof? Jesus intimacy with God must have confounded people like the Pharisees who burdened people with endless rules. He wants to be close to us and for our image of Him to exude the unconditional love of God. He desires to nurture us, to strengthen us, and to let us know He has chosen us. He loves us not because we are good and have done all the right things but because He is good. His love is not fickle and conditional, based on expectations and hidden agendas. His love is extravagant!!! May our past distorted image of Him be replaced with the truth of the loving Father that He is.
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