Devotions from Judy’s heart
Good things that are carried to extreme may no longer be good! That is evident when someone sits next to you that is “bathed” in perfume..a little perfume can go a long way and too much is sickening! Recently a good friend said she would play scrabble on line with me and she started games and more games until there was about 20! We laughed about it and decided when we finished them we would go to only 3 or so as we don’t have time for an overload of them. We can apply this spiritually too as truth carried to extreme truth is no longer truth. There is evidence of this in churches who focus on one particular issue and can go off on a tangent. Let us be careful that we are balanced and not carried to extremes! As it says in II Tim. 2:15 we should not be ashamed if we present ourselves to God as one approved, “rightfully handling the word of truth.”
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