Devotions based on Mark Buchanan’s book, Spiritual Rhythms
In all of the seasons we go through we need to draw from the well of prayer. Prayer is the key and the secret to opening the doors of the Kingdom. Prayer is a privilege, not a duty. It is not an act of exertion but a source of replenishment. We have ready access to the presence of God and can come any time from any where.
We also need to drink from the well of community. Two are better than one. ”If they fall down they can help each other up.” A friend makes our lives profitable, comfortable, less lonely, less frail, less vulnerable. A friend increases life’s goodness and gives us strength. The author realized one day that he did not have one friend he could call on at 3 am. if there was a crisis. So he dug a well of friendship and spends time now weekly with 2 friends who he can share his innermost struggles with. And of course, Jesus is the best friend we can have and know that He is always right there with us.
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