Devotions from Judy’s heart on 1000 things
A thankful heart is an open heart that is able to receive.
In Ps. 43:5 it says, “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands.” As we remember His blessings to us and ponder His goodness, we are going to become more grateful people, overflowing with joy. For Christmas I received the book, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp and she has found joy as she slows down and wakes up to the gifts in her life. Just like her, we can find joy in the small and insignificant which will help us to be more aware of all the many ways He loves us . She accepted a dare to write down a thousand things she loves, a thousand blessings. I think all of us would be changed by writing such a list as we would see what is right before us as gifts of His love to us. I rather think our moments would become grace filled, holy ,and amazing!
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