In Micah 7:1-6, the prophet grieves over the condition of Israel. After being the mouthpiece for the Lord (6:9), Micah takes a figurative walk through the city (Jerusalem). He is overcome with what he sees, “What misery is mine!” (v 1). He becomes aware of the wickedness and the impending doom he can see coming. “The faithful have been swept from the land” ( v 2). Wickedness has become deeply ingrained, leading to the unravelling of the whole fabric of life. The heart of the problem is one of leadership: “the ruler…….the judge…….the powerful……the best of them” (3-4) have become skilled in doing evil.
As a watchman, Micah declares, “But your judgment day is coming swiftly now. Your time of punishment is here” ( 4). It will be “a time of confusion” (v 4)). This one phrase seems to describe what is characteristic of the soul of our nation. There would be social disorder with the brake down of relationships. “The situation is so dire that the people can’t trust a neighbor, a friend, or even a spouse (5). Close family relations have broken down (6). Judy and I are experiencing confusion among people we have know for years. Jesus later used verse 6 to say that following him may also damage family relationships (Matt. 10:35-36)
Micah pictures a society turned upside-down, in which “a son dishonors his father, a daughter rises up against her mother” (6). It is important to note that Micah’s critic of society is not political but spiritual. “Political comment on social disintegration today often revolves around the need to focus, not so much on crimes and criminals, but on the causes of crime. Micah would direct us all back to the way we have steadily ignored, and often directly flouted, the requirements of God for our personal, social and working lives, as well as for our nation. Defiant rejection of God’s revealed truth is the fundamental reason for the social disintegration we see around us” (Bible Speaks Today)
After the darkness and gloom of contemporary life, Micah straightens up and declares his confidence in God. “But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior, my God will hear me” (7:7). Men, notice three things from this prayer uttered in the midst of a literal brake up of society. It sure can point us in the right direction, when we stand for Jesus in the midst of significant confusion.
First, “But as for me” Micah was contrasting himself with the message of other “watchmen.” He was looking “to the Lord for help” (7). He was confident of better days ahead. “I confidently for God to save me.” Remember Jesus taught us to pray, “your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Micah could see beyond the confusion
Secondly, Micah said he would “wait.” The same Hebrew word is translated “depend” in 5:7. Micah had faith that God would preserve Israel through the coming judgment. He saw beyond the headlines. “Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light” (8).
Thirdly, Micah was confident that God would hear his prayer of lament, as he witnessed the brake up of society. This chapter “began with a cry of mourning (v 1-2) ends with the quiet confidence that God will act.” (NIVZSB)
Then in 7:8-20 Micah looks past the coming defeat and destruction to the future day when the Lord would reverse that judgment. A repentant people will raise again (7:8-9), the enemies would be defeated and Israel would be rebuilt (vv. 10-11). “This enemy who kept taunting, ‘So where is this God of yours?” I’m going to see it with these, my own eyes – my enemy disgraced, trash in the gutter” (v 10 MSG).
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