Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the day!. Al did a service next door this morning and does that monthly.  I have been baking and got two kinds of cookies done and egg dishes. Also, went to my exercise class and this afternoon is crafts and then Bible Study tonight. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Yesterday I asked the question, what false narratives have we told ourselves about the Lord that we need to eliminate? I love hearing your responses and many of you had similar answers as you felt you were not good enough; maybe at your job, or maybe just measuring up against others. Interestingly some had to change the narrative of blaming someone else when discovering that it wasn’t something they did after all. We all can probably identify with those who felt so unworthy before the Lord and have not viewed Him as their Loving Father that loves them even when they fail, but rather someone they had to perform for,=.
I listened to a song  called “I Am Your Beloved”, sung by Jonathan and Melissa Hesler and I want to share their words as it was so powerful and shows us the way of truth rather than the false narrative we may have believed. ( I didn’t include all the repetitions)
“I’ve heard the accusations/ and I’ve heard the propaganda/ I’ve heard the lies they whispered to my soul/ that I have been forsaken/ and I’ll always be forgotten/ No matter what I do it’s not enough/ But then I heard a voice as it opened up the heavens/ reminding me of who I’ve always been.”
Chorus: “I am your beloved/ You have bought me with your blood/ And on your hand you’ve written out my name/ I am your beloved/ The one the Father loves/ Mercy has defeated all my shame.”
“There’s no accusation or any condemnation/ when I look into my Father’s eyes/ They don’t see my sins/ They only see redemption/ This is how my heart has been defined/ I can hear your voice that is louder than the thunder/ reminding me of whose I’ve always been.
The One who knows me best / Is the One who loves me most/ There is nothing that I have done/ that could change the Father’s love.
Oh I can hear the feet of the Father running/ It’s like a stampede of grace coming my way/ Mercy I never earned/ grace I never deserved/ coming to bring me home again/ I can hear the Father calling my name.
I can see the face of my Father/ I can hear the voice of my Father/ calling out my name/ I can hear the heart of my Father / Here He comes.”
May each of us open our ears to hear the voice of our Father letting us know we are loved and extending His grace and mercy to us.
Challenge for today: Say the words of this song aloud and let them speak to your heart
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy