Dear Ones,
Hope you have a peace-filled day! I just finished making a casserole without a recipe so hoping it will taste good. Al is preaching and giving communion next door at Assisted Living this morning. I have exercise class and tonight we have Bible Study at church.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
The clock is ticking and every day we are that much closer to our homecoming to glory where we will spend eternity with the Lord. It is good to keep that in mind so that we live not just for today, trying to squeeze as many pleasureful things into it, but that we live our lives for Him. As Paul said in II Cor. 5:15 (ESV), “He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised.”
We need to ask ourselves what we give our energy and time to. If we live just to make money and live a life of comfort all for ourselves, we will soon discover it leaves us feeling empty. We were made for more. In fact, we were made to bring glory to the Lord and to serve Him and share Him with others. We were made to help the poor, to bring comfort to those that mourn, to help set the prisoner free. God has given us spiritual gifts to help us to do that and one day we will have to give account of how we used those gifts. It is sad when gifts are not opened and never used for what God intended. In fact, the enemy will use all kinds of tricks to shame us and prevent us from using our gifts. But instead of swallowing his lies, we need to remember how Jesus looks at us. We are His beloved, we are chosen, we are His forgiven ones who He delights in.
We are made to fellowship and serve the Lord until our last breath. Even though Al and I are getting older, we are never to retire from spending time with the Lord and serving Him. He can use every one of us until our last breath, even if the only thing we can do is to pray for others.
As the clock ticks away, let us make each day count. Let us draw closer to the Lord, and serve Him through our gifts and reaching out to others.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord how you can touch the life of another today with His love.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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