Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. This morning I made Bison Butternut cocoa chili and went to my exercise class. We are starting to get things together for our trip so we can pack the car on Thursday. We look forward to seeing Kurt’s family and Marks.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
God wants a close loving relationship with each of us and when we have open hearts to Him, each day is an awesome experience, and anything but boring! He is in everything, and more and more we come to know His greatness and power and love.
Although He is with us every moment, I wonder how aware we are of His presence throughout our day.
In Psalm 92:2 (New Living Translation) it says, “It I good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning and your faithfulness in the evening.” The Message says, “To announce your love each daybreak, sing your faithful presence all through the night.” I like that!
It is the best way to start our day by acknowledging His presence with us and praising Him. Sometimes that has to be on the go, but we are inviting Him anew, to be with us in everything that happens in our day. Then in the evening it is faith building to express our gratitude as we see how His hand has been intricately with us throughout our day. I often do this in my evening shower as I just begin to praise Him for how He has shown his love in so many ways during my day. If I wake at night, I fall back asleep as I am thanking Him.
Perhaps it is like putting our spiritual antennae up to catch His signals, to not miss His workings all around us. Sometimes it can just be a word or suggestion we are given that seems to solve our problem and meet our need.
I got this far in writing a devotion Saturday morning when we got a call from our son who shared good news with us as He saw God’s surprising touch in his body. He has workedout nearly every day of his youth and adult life but for the last 2 months he has had pain and restricted movement in his right elbow after hurting it in the weight room. He got an XRAY and MRI and it showed damage to the joint along with bone spurs floating around in the triceps and elbow. It caused his elbow to lock up and restrict his range of motion. The Dr. said he would not have to do anything now if he could put up with the pain, but likely would need a scope to clean it out in the future. Kurt started drinking cider vinegar and the pain instantly went away and has not come back. We rejoiced with him to hear the good news as we have prayed each day for his healing and that can come in various ways…even through Apple Cider Vinegar!
Let us give the Lord all our concerns, as we can share everything with Him as we walk out our day. Nothing is too small or too big for we have a Great God who loves us!
Challenge for today: Whatever comes today, simply tell the Lord and ask for His help but remember to thank him before you shut your eyes tonight.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy