Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to a day of sharing with your Best Friend whose ear is always open to your voice!  I plan to bake dessert to bring to church tomorrow and then have another dental appointment this morning and this time for a crown. Yesterday left me with stitches and a swollen cheek and bleeding and today I hope it is just very ordinary!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Perhaps we think when we have a commute to work or spend mega amounts of time taxiing our kids that it is time wasted…but it doesn’t need to be. It can be a time to catch our breath, and actually spend time sharing with the Lord in ways that we don’t always do when we are occupied with chores at home or busy at the office.
   Emma Danzey wrote about some ways we can be more intentional to draw closer to the Lord, even as we go about our commute. First of all, as we buckle our seatbelt, we can thank the Lord He has promised to be with us wherever we go. (Josh. 1:9) Then we can visit with Him as we share any particular concerns we have for the day and ask for His help. I like to visualize the Lord sitting next to me, as my best Friend with whom I can share everything that is weighing on my heart. We are sure to hit traffic lights and it can be a time to refocus as we are stopped by a red light. When it turns yellow and we are getting set to begin to proceed with caution, we practice waiting for His timing. When it is green, we can take action and move forward into what He has planned for our day. As we surrender to His schedule, we can go about our day in freedom for our dependency is on Him.                                                                                                    As it says in Psalm 119:97, & 100-102 (Message), “Oh, how I love all you’ve revealed; I reverently ponder it all day long…I’ve become wiser than the wise old sages simply be doing what you tell me. I watch my step, avoiding the ditches and ruts of evil so I can spend all my time keeping your Word. I never make detours from the route you laid out; you gave me such good directions.”
  After giving my concerns to the Lord, I like to just praise Him in song, and if I’m alone I sing at the top of my voice. One mom was singing to the Lord along with praise music she had on in the car, and she looked back in her rearview mirror to see her little toddler with her hands raised and singing too. What a beautiful moment.
  Let us not grumble about time spent commuting but rather use it to be with the Lord and get our directions for the day.
  Challenge for today: Intentionally use your commute time to share your heart with the Lord.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy