Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to a day of joy and purpose. I plan to bake, go to Aldi’s and exercise class and later to Crafts and soup supper and Lenten service. Today is also a special day as it is our grandson Lar’s birthday.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How many of us would say we lived a balanced life? Or would we confess we feel like life is out of control and are being pulled in several directions at once? If we have children to tend while having aging parents that need care, we might be told we are in the Sandwich years and life can seem frantic. We don’t know exactly how many years we will live such a busy life before things slow down, but we also have to live through it now. Catriona Futter writes about how we can respond to things we have no control over and instead control our own responses. It is so important to get our focus on the Lord who is our anchor and solid place, or anxiety and negativity will take over our lives. But we can choose instead to focus on who we know the Lord to be and remember He will give us strength for whatever comes our way, as we trust Him.
We go through seasons in our lives, and we have to not jump into the next season before it’s time. When we are busy with young children, it is not the best time to go back to school and earn a degree or volunteer for numerous other time-consuming tasks. We might have to postpone things for a time; but God’s timing is perfect, and He will open doors for us according to His time schedule. For the present time, our job may be to care well for those who are in our charge and see them through. We can’t do everything and if we feel like we are getting over our head in busyness and becoming grumpy, we can ask for help from our family and let them lighten the load with us. They too have to learn that they can’t do everything but make choices and saying no until a better time.
If we don’t pay attention to being overly committed and too busy, we will find that our joy seems to disappear. We may spend less time with the Lord and even the activities we are involved in seem to feel flat. But we can go to the Lord and give Him our burdens and take His easy yoke as it says in Matt. 11:28-30, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you res. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” It may help to lighten our burdens to put on praise music as we fold clothes, or sing as we bake, or do something fun for self-care. Let us not get off- balance but live our lives with room to breathe in the strength that He will give us.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you live a balanced life and make adjustments as He directs.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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