Dear Ones,
Happy President’s weekend to enjoy! It is misty and foggy out my window today but going to get up to 38 degrees. This morning I made egg dishes and cleaned the apartment. So beautiful to see what is happening at Asbury and other campuses and it can only be the Lord!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How thirsty are we for God. If we are honest, we will admit that all the other comforts and pleasures of life fall short when we don’t leave room for the Lord in our lives. We will then most certainly be left with that unquenchable thirst and try to fill it with many other things.
Recently a gal in my exercise class had to be helped to a chair as she felt faint. She sat out the remainder of the class but when she came the next day, she said it was simply that she was dehydrated. After drinking a lot of water, she was hydrated and later felt fine. As a result, she is more careful to carry her big bottle of water and consume it so it wouldn’t happen again.
Sometimes we aren’t even aware of the thirst we have for God but simply that something doesn’t feel quite right. We get more focused on God’s blessings like family, friendships, health, finances etc, than we do in being thirsty for much more of Him. We come to know His love in deeper ways as we pray and read His word and spend time in quiet listening to His heart. As we do this, we begin to truly enjoy fellowship with the Lord rather than seeking to quench our thirst through other people or worldly pleasures. Nothing else can measure up or satisfy our thirst, for we were made for God.
The choice is ours. No one forces us to choose the Lord, just as no one forced my friend to get hydrated. God gives us the freedom to make our own choice. Just like Joshua said to the people of Israel in Josh 24:15, “Choose today whom you will serve…my family and I will still serve the Lord.” He was in fact saying that no matter who they would choose, he was committed to serve the Lord. We each have a choice to make, whether it will be to God or a substitute that will leave us thirsty. Let us choose wisely!
Challenge for today: Don’t settle for anything less than to know God and a desire to love Him and live for Him.
Blessings on your weekend a prayers and love, Judy
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