Dear Ones,
We have arrived safely in Statesville, N.C. at our son’s home after driving 1700 miles. Thank you for your prayers! We have been looking forward to good times together and soon our grandsons will be home from school and games etc will begin! Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Today we are reading of mama bears and now papa bears as well, who are standing up for their children and saying enough to a culture that seems to be stealing them away. They want to protect them physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually but sometimes it may feel like the battle is being lost. The statistics are so high for children who are depressed and anxious and suicide rates have soared. So many parents today feel overwhelmed.
I read an article on by Victoria Riollano, an author, professor and pastor’s wife, who tells of her desire to protect her daughter who had a physical struggle. At age 4 her daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy and for many years Victoria lived with anxiety and depression, wondering if her daughter would die during a grand mal seizure or if she would be treated normally. She spent many sleepless nights worrying but of course, none of us parents can protect our children 24/7 and we have to get to the place where we fully entrust them to the Lord. He loves them more than we ever can. Victoria felt like God was saying to her that He knew her daughter while in her womb and loved her more than she did. Finally, she was able to release her daughter and her prayer was:
Dear Lord, 
I thank you for those you have given me the privilege of nurturing. Although it comes with much responsibility, help me to never forget that you love them more than I ever could. Father, if there are times I become obsessive or overwhelmed by the circumstance, I ask that you give me your peace. Show me, Lord, how to surrender my parenting to you.
I thank you Lord that you are a good God. Even when I don’t understand why, help me to trust your heart for me and my child. Teach me to walk in faith and courage, even when its hard. Thank you for your love for me and those you have entrusted me with. 
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Then came a surprise after 10 years, God healed her daughter completely!
It could be our children, grandchildren, close friends, or even parents that we are concerned about and we want to protect them; but the truth is we can’t control their circumstances or be there to meet their every need. Our part is to pray and to surrender them to the Lord, the One who loves them more than we do and knows best.
Challenge for today: If you are full of worry over a loved one, pray for them and release them to the Lord in faith.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy