2-13 Devotions from James Smith’s book, The Good and the Beautiful Life
In the Beatitudes Jesus invites the down and out to live in fellowship with Him. This is not just concept but He invites us into a vibrant, interactive relationship with Himself.
“He is the kingdom of God. HE is a living, breathing, tangible, touchable, real-life expression and embodiment of the kingdom.”
When He says Blessed are the Poor in Spirit it is like He is saying, “ Blessed are you who are feeling marginalized from God, who have nothing going for you spiritually-for you too are invited to the kingdom.”
He says blessed are those who have gone through loss and overwhelming grief, God will comfort you and you will one day see your loved one again and there will be no more tears.
Blessed are the meek and those who cannot retaliate when harmed, for God’s kingdom will enfold them and the whole earth is theirs as they need it.
Blessed are the merciful, who give until it hurts, for God will show them mercy and their kindness does not go unnoticed by Him.
Blessed are those who yearn to be pure in heart for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers who are willing to suffer and even die for the cause of peace for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for His sake, who don’t judge others, who fight for peace, for they will see God.
Do we know how poor we are or do we feel so rich and satisfied that we have no need for God? Wealth, power, and possessions can numb us to our need for Him and make us overlook the needs of others.
These values that Jesus spoke of are so different from the world but let us claim them as ours.
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