Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the day. This morning  I made cookies on the stick for our Christmas gathering and went to Aldi’s and then downstairs for Donuts and coffee. Al went to the men’s group and will be leading Bible Study here this afternoon. We enjoy our walk outside in the fresh air too and everything is snow covered. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
This is the time of year many get panicky as Christmas is inching closer. For most of us it is coming sooner than we are ready for and so we must guard against feeling overwhelmed by all we have to do. 
Somehow, we forget that Christmas is the celebration of the coming of the Prince of Peace and yet we can become stressed and anxious, and anything but peaceful.
But we don’t have to go the way of the world and overdo on presents, lavish meals, and decorations, but can simplify and do the things that are meaningful. Sometimes less is better.
It’s important that we have peace with the Lord first of all and that He is Lord of our lives; then we can welcome the Holy Spirit to direct our lives and the activities of each day. It is best to hold on to our schedules loosely for the Spirit is the one leading us and it may not be how we have carefully planned but something so much better.
The Holy Spirit will also help us in our relationships with family and to be sensitive to their needs. He will direct us in our conversations so they are meaningful, and help us avoid hot topics that cause strife and usually does not change the mind of others.
We are not all alike so we can appreciate the uniqueness of others and the gifts that are evident in their lives. We can laugh and have fun and make memories as we connect in new ways. It is Christ’s love that we want to share and a good verse I read today is from Ephesians 4:32(Message), “Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.”
Let us enjoy this Christmas season and walk in peace and love and forgiveness.
Challenge for today: When becoming stressed, stop and pray and surrender all to the Lord.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy