Dear Ones,
Hope you have a glorious day! More snow out my window this morning and looking more like Christmas. This morning  Al is getting his crown and if he is back in time, I will get to my exercise class. This afternoon is crafts and then tonight Bible Study. In between I hope to get some baking. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We are an impatient culture and want things right now. We don’t like to wait in long checkout lines or if we are not served right away, we are quick to complain and give a smaller tip. Our busy lives and over-stimulation by the world around us, often result in us being impatient and robs us of hearing the Lord.
  We all need to quiet down our minds, and dismiss the distractions so we can hear the Lord and experience His love, It takes patience to be still and then wait in quietness for the Lord to speak to our hearts. King David knew how to do that as he says in Psalm 131:2 (God’s Word), “Instead, I have kept my soul calm and quiet. My soul is content as a weaned child is content in its mother’s arms.” David shows humility and says he isn’t concerned with things too profound for him but only to quiet his soul before the Lord.
  We have to keep reminding ourselves that we are not in charge, the Lord is, and if so, then we have to be quiet enough to hear His instructions to us each day. Lately, I have been verbally saying that to the Lord as I awaken, “You are in charge, not me, and I will follow!”  As we do this, we don’t have to become anxious and impatient but more like the contented weaned child. The Lord will direct us and teach us and give us the knowledge we need at the time we need. Our part is to quiet ourselves and to listen with the intent to obey.
  Let us not rush through our days going in our own strength and trying to make things happen, but let us relax and enjoy the journey as we patiently listen for His voice.
  Challenge for today: Spend some quiet moments upon waking and wait expectantly to hear Him speak.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy