Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Today it’s cold and we got lots of snow so the view out our bedroom window has changed. We had a lovely Christmas Tea on Saturday and fun to see old friends. The program was excellent! This morning I studied and had exercise class and at 5 we have Soup Supper party here at the apartments. 

Devotions from Judy’s heart
Our days were written in God’s book and he knows the number of them and has a plan for us. But do we sometimes wish we could trade lives with someone else who we feel is successful, beautiful, exciting and has it all together? But is that really wise?!
While at exercise class, doing leg stretches with our hands pressing against the wall, the gal next to me confessed she had felt envious of a mutual friend who seemingly had such a beautiful life. But her feelings of envy were short lived as so many tragic things happened to this beautiful gal, as her life was turned upside down with griefs.
We have only one life and we need to remember that the Lord has a plan for each of us. As it says in Prov. 20:24 (God’s Word), “The Lord is the one who directs a person’s steps. How then can anyone understand his own way.” The Message translation says, “The very steps we take come from God; otherwise, how would we know where we’re going?” If it is the Lord who directs our lives, it is not for us to envy or compare our life and what we are going through with anyone else.
I went to a Christmas Tea on Saturday and the theme was Joy and how the Lord is our exceeding joy. (Psalm 43:4) Joy is not having the right circumstances or it is not finding it in another person, but in the Lord who made us. At each table, we all had time to share moments of joy in our lives; and all that was shared seemed to result from times of hardship when we discovered how the Lord is enough. We closed with a song you may know from Fires by Jordan St. Cyr, and the refrain goes, “You’ve walked me through fires/ Pulled me from flames/ If you’re in this with me/ I won’t be afraid/ When the smoke billows higher, oh and higher/And if feels like I can barely breathe/ I’ll walk through these fires/ Cause you’re walking with me.”
The Lord has given us everything we need to face whatever comes on the road we walk in this life for He is always there for us and with us.
Challenge for today: Thank the Lord for a specific hard time in your life when you experienced the Lord walking with you through it.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy
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