Dear Ones,
Hope you have a delightful day! I am going to my exercise class and to crafts and to Bible Study today and in between I hope to do some organizing.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Have you ever noticed how sometimes disappointments can turn into surprises in disguise?

I had such an instance yesterday as I was dressing to go to Bible study and planned to wear my new tan boots that I bought last month with Christmas money. But I couldn’t understand it when I tried to put them on, for they were both for my right foot! Unbelievable! I knew I would have to make a trip to the mall later, and that the salesperson might profusely welcome me as he obviously couldn’t sell the other pair of left-footed boots. He recognized his mistake long ago but didn’t know who he sold the boots to. We had a good laugh as I was outfitted with a right and left boot, so I decided to shop since I was already at the mall. I discovered a store I had never been in before and it was overflowing with many secondhand things. I browsed around piles and piles of goods and was about to leave when I spotted a large floral box full of cards. I love, love, love cards and use many, not only for relatives and friends, but 11 birthdays just this month at our apartment complex. This box was only $10 and had dozens and dozens of cards and all categorized for occasions. I also found a wooden box to be used in organizing small medical things and smiled all the way home. I thanked the Lord for the mishap on my boots that had sent me to the mall to find the waiting treasures.

Of course, we don’t all know so quickly why a present disappointment can be a blessing in the long run, but we can still give it to the Lord when it happens. He knows! Sometimes He may be keeping us from something that would harm us or postponing something we are not ready for. When we are His children, we know He wants what is best for us and will help us to grow closer to Him. Rather than complain when things don’t happen like we had desired, we can place our hope and trust in Him. I read today from I Cor. 13:13, “Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of all is love.” When we really believe His love for us, we don’t have to have all our questions answered in the now, but we trust and know He is God and does for us what is best.

Challenge for today: When disappointments come, stop and give the situation to the Lord and thank Him for how He will work things out.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy