We will be leaving this morning to go to the hotel in the cities to gather with the relatives to celebrate Christmas. We missed doing that last year so it seems even more special this year. We look forward to our big meal together and time to fellowship and catch up… We pray that we will all remain well also.
Christmas Tree by Robert Althoff
What do you see when you see a Christmas Tree?
With the tinsel placed just like the shining sea
The lights of colors that gleam in the night
And the top with the Star glistening bright
Than the lights and ornaments galore
It is about the Star of whom the people did sing
“Glory to God in the Highest” to the Newborn King
The tree made of wood and branches spread wide
Could make the cross on which Jesus, our Savior, died
The color green represents life everlasting
This life can be yours if you just ask Him
The lights are as the Light of the World, the True Light
Shining with colors so beautiful and bright
The tinsel hanging with so large of an amount
Like God’s mercies un-ending to count
Bows and garland wrapped around the tree
Is like God’s Grace that warms you and me
Some ornaments are glowing crimson red
Reminds us of the blood for us He shed
Give Jesus your heart and happy you will be
His gift of life has made us free
How beautiful are all the wonderful trees?
None so beautiful as “God’s Christmas Tree.”
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