Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this day and keeping snug and warm. We are glad we don’t have to go out today as our Bible Study is just downstairs. This morning I have been busy in the kitchen and made Cauliflower potatoes, sweet potato rounds, S.F. blueberry muffins and also went downstairs for a quick cup of coffee.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Soon we all will be gathering with family and friends to celebrate Christmas which usually means a feast of good food, laughter, gifts, carols, games, reading the Christmas story etc. But in all of our celebrating, do we really remember Jesus’ birthday and the reason we are gathered in the first place. At some gatherings He is totally ignored and other places his name cannot even be mentioned lest someone be offended. How sad that the birthday of the coming of the King of Kings is ignored by so many in our culture.
But even if we are not overt in honoring the Lord, our actions and behavior should tell the story of His love that has changed our lives,and those closest to us would be the first to take notice. Today I read about the man who was tormented by evil spirits and lived among tombs. He suffered greatly and cried out to Jesus. Then Jesus did a miraculous thing for He cast the demons into a herd of pigs who then rushed down the slope and were drowned in the sea. What a miraculous change happened to that man and he wanted to accompany Jesus as he went about preaching and healing.. But Jesus told him in Mark 5:19 (Amplified), “Go home to your own (family and relatives and friends) and bring back word to them of how much the Lord has done for you, and (how He has) had sympathy for you and mercy on you.” He told him to start with those that knew him best like his family and friends, for they would certainly see the wonderful change in his life. And that’s exactly what he did; he went home and began preaching in the region of Ten Cities about what Jesus had done for him.
Our mission field begins with our families and friends and goes out from there. Some of us may not have seen part of our family since last Christmas, and what would their take be about us? Would they be able to discern that we spend time with the Lord, that we desire to live for Him and do His will? Would they see love reflected in our eyes, and kindness in our actions?
Let us be witnesses of God’s mercy and share when we get an opportunity, but also let our unspoken actions witness of His grace.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord for opportunities to humbly share Him with family and friends.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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