Dear Ones,
What a goreous sight outside our window as everything is laden with several inches of white fresh snow. We may go for a walk this afternoon in it and enjoy the beauty. I was busy all morning in the kitchen and made many cookies, mostly gluten-free and starch free. Al preached next door and didn’t even have to go out side. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Christmas is a time for giving for God gave us His very best in sending Jesus to earth for us. What can we give in return, but our hearts! When our hearts are filled with love and gratitude to Him, the natural thing is to want to also give back in response.
   Last night I had a dream and I don’t always remember my dreams but this one I recalled as it was rather appalling to me. Some stranger from the church came to me and asked me what I was going to give to the church as I was obligated since I attended. It was like he figured out how much I used the church and would need to give in relation to that. I thought no, no, no, I want to give because I am grateful to the Lord and not out of obligation.
   At our church, we are not pressured at all to give, but just told of needs for missionaries and special concerns etc. and the money comes in. We give as we are led by the Spirit to give and that way we can give from the heart. If we receive a gift from someone who was forced to give, it takes away from the joy of receiving it. It says in II Cor. 9:7-8 (God’s Word), “Each of you should give whatever you have decided. You shouldn’t be sorry that you gave or feel forced to give, since God loves a cheerful giver. Besides, God will give you His constantly overflowing kindness.”  
   We are not deserving of God’s grace to us and when we give, we are expressing our gratitude for all His blessings that He pours out on us each day… the giving may be in the offering plate, but the giving is also as we share with others and give to their needs. It is a way we give back to God, for everything we have has come from His hand. We are also told that if we are generous, we will prosper and be refreshed too. (Prov. 11:25) At this Christmas time let us give with compassionate hearts of those who have received so much that we just have to share, share, share!.
   Challenge for today: Give to a need secretly and tell no one else. ( I suspect God will be smiling)
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy