“Dangerous Goodness” is the theme of a recent men’s conference hosted by Kenny Luck’s Every Man Ministries. There are a lot of good men’s ministries out there – Luck’s is one of them. But I was struck by the title of this particular conference.
Luck said this about the theme: “Male strength is a great thing for our culture when compassion and character are guided by it for the sake of others. More than any time in history, the world is craving men who are dangerous with goodness versus just dangerous or ‘toxic.’ The power of a movement like ‘Dangerous Goodness’ is that it speaks God’s truth about manhood to all men everywhere. When they take hold of their identities as Spirit-empowered leaders, that propels an exponential effect around the world.”
Speaking of the conference, Luck said, “Our mission and goal are simple: to create a space for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of men. And then I hope for an expression of that outpouring in the spaces and places where God has placed those same men in cities – where they live, where they work, where they pray, and where they play.”
Dangerous goodness is a concern I’ve had when addressing the need of men to “step up.” It seems to me the men’s movement needs to be careful when we are called to walk the straight and narrow way of Jesus. We can easily fall into a ditch on either side. One side stresses the tough, macho man, while the other a more soft, sensitive, caring man. What is so desperately needed is for men to be both “tough” and “tender” or men living both as “lion” and “lamb.”
That is why I embrace the theme of “dangerous goodness.” To me it speaks of men being dangerous (tough) yet expressing the goodness of God (tender). Men will need exemplars of this male stance. When men see it fleshed out in another men, they will rise up and want to take back what has been lost with an expression of compassion and character.
I agree with Luck: “More than any time in history, the world is craving men who are dangerous with goodness versus just dangerous or ‘toxic.'” I identify with the idea of men being dangerous with goodness. Luck states, “Male strength is a great thing for our culture when compassion and character are guided by it for the sake of others.”
The issue gets down to exemplars of compassion and character “guiding” men in “dangerous goodness.” In groups all over our country men can “take hold of their identities as Spirit-empowered leaders.” Christian men need to be encouraged in being leaders in their spheres of influence. But they need guidance from older, more seasoned men on how to practice “dangerous goodness.”
I agree, we need a mighty “outpouring of the Holy Spirit” in the lives of men. Then they can go out into the “spaces and places” to walk out an expression of “dangerous goodness.” It will not be easy. Men have a target on their chest, placed there by the spirit of our age.
Let Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian elders inspire you. “I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace” (Acts 20:22-24). Let us finish the race and complete the task with “dangerous goodness.”
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