Men, did you know that there is a strategic new initiative that is designed to help dads across America coming on Father’s Day weekend in June. A group called “The Fatherhood CoMission Summit” came up with an idea of a “Courageous Dads Simulcast.” The 90-minute simulcast will be aired Friday, June 14th. You can go to “Courageous Dads Simulcast” to find out how you to get involved. Better yet, get a group of guys from your community or church to join together. The event is meant to engage, encourage, and edify fathers; equip churches to champion the cause of fatherhood; and instill a vision for what Father’s Day should be in our homes and churches.
Dads need all the help and encouragement they can receive in our culture. It is hard to find a strong father and caring dads portrayed in the dominant media. Dads are more likely to seen as clueless, rigid, or the butt of constant jokes. It seem like fathers are expendable, not necessary in the raising of children. But the reality is very different. According to The National Fatherhood initiative: “Children in a father-absent homes are almost four times more likely to be poor. Children born to single mothers show higher levels of aggressive behavior than children born to married mothers.”
Chuck Colson, who was founder of Prison fellowship, make this observation, “Our prison systems are full of people who never had the example of a courageous father – or any father at all. Over 70% of long-term prison inmates come from broken homes, and young men raised in fatherless households are at least twice as likely to be incarcerated as those from intact families.”
I am sure I don’t have to convince the men who read this blog about the truth of the above observations. Yet I am sure that you need some encouragement and support in your role as dad. Many dads struggle with busyness, cultural pressures and unreal expectation in trying to be good Christian dads. You are willing, but you need some support and encouragement. Why not check out the “Courageous Dad Simulcast.”
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