Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! We are headed to the lake this morning and I plan to visit a friend on the way and then have friends over for lunch.  Ann and Leif are having us for supper to celebrate Al’s birthday early. This is the first time all summer that we have stayed overnight so it is a treat. I will e-mail again later tomorrow night when we return. 
 Devotions from Judy’s heart
Peace is something most everyone longs for and wants to experience each day, yet many lack the wonderful peace that surpasses all understanding. So many people are stressed and lonely today and peace seems illusive and out of reach. But the good news is that if we trust the One who holds everything together in His hands, we come to know true peace.

  Paul says in Phil. 4 that we shouldn’t be anxious but go to the Lord in prayer and ask our petitions. It follows in verse 7 (New Living Translation) as he says, “Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

  When we look around us today, there is so much unrest and anxiety which seems to only push people to strive more. But Jesus offers us a better way of placing our hope and trust in Him. There is a world out there that needs to know that, and we are sent to share the news and help show the way to peace. When we spend time in quietness before the Lord and let His Spirit fill us anew, His peace seems to flood our whole being and hope arises. Striving doesn’t work but simply trusting Him does. We come to Him with no agenda but simply to soak in His love. Even through our trials we can rest assured that He can work them for His good purpose.

  We don’t always understand His ways as they are not necessarily what we would choose; but let us not run from Him but rather to Him, knowing that He is holy, and He is love. May we remember He may be working His deepest good in us as we experience tough times. He will direct our lives in ways to draw us closer to Him in trusting faith as we wait for the final day when we are escorted into eternity for a glorious life that lacks words to describe.

 Challenge for today: When you feel anxious, seek Him in prayer and quietness, and let His peace wash over you!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy