Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend! The sun trying to peek out and it felt good to get out this morning and go to Aldi’s; I definitely needed to restock our shelves and frig as we have been confined due to being sick. I am feeling healthy again and Al is almost there but needs another day or so, as we don’t want to pass anything on. We thank the Lord for meeting all of our needs as we had what was important these past days to help us get well
Devotions from Judy’s heart
On my birthday yesterday, I was reading a devotion for the day from Sarah Young’s book, Jesus Always, and I smiled at the Lord’s humor… maybe even laughed out loud. Sometimes God speaks in simple ways that make sense only to us. Sarah writes first of all about how the Lord is always with us wherever we go, and we don’t need to fear even when we step into new adventures, for He will take care of us. Then she asks us to visualize ourselves holding on to the Lord’s hand as He says, “Trust Me—your Guide—to show you the way forward as you go step by step. I have a perfect sense of direction, so don’t worry about getting lost. Relax in my Presence and rejoice in the wonder of sharing your whole life with Me.”
If you know me well at all, you would know that I have no sense of direction and never have had; so, all of my life I have had to make allowances for that. It is helpful now that we can have navigation devices but if there is construction etc. I get thrown off. I have had many dreams of being lost and waking up before I reach my desired destination. I also vividly remember a time in Mexico, as I was dressed as a clown with children following me down the street, but I had no idea which way it was back to the church. Fortunately, our youth director came along at the right time and led our procession to the church!
Jesus has us all on a journey and we don’t have to be afraid of where He is taking us or what will happen to us. He wants us to trust Him and listen to Him and let Him guide us. As it says in the Prov. 1:33 (ESV),” But whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.” It’s true we don’t always know where He is taking us but we know He won’t leave us but will constantly be with us, even with the promise of holding our hand.
So let us go step by step with Him and be at ease and let Him guide us on our journey until one day we slip into heaven and know that our journey is over and we are truly home forever.
Challenge for today: Spend some time listening to the Lord with the intent to obey.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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