Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a wonderful day. I made a zucchini/choc cake with fresh zucchini from Ann’s garden and also surprised one of the couples here with a huge one that got overlooked! I wrote cards and went to my exercise class this morning and tonight we have Bible Study.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Great things happen when we pray for one another! We are reminded in James 5:16 (The Message), “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.”
When I have been with friends who ask for prayer and share an area they are struggling with, it draws me closer to the Lord and to them; it lets me also know I can be free to share my own sins and offences as well. This should be a common practice and not something that is rare.
Lisa Lakey gives a warning of what our attitude should be, for at times our very tone we may be saying, “O you struggle with that sin. Not me but I will pray for you.” Very self-righteous sounding and where is our humility and love? Instead, we can say, “How can I pray for you?” As husband and wife, Al and I share our areas of weakness and sins that we need to repent of and in doing that we experience forgiveness and freedom. We can’t fix each other, for that is God’s work, but we can all pray for one another and watch God work. The enemy likes for us to bottle things up and work on our problem areas in our own strength. That doesn’t work. God wants us to bring our sins out into the light and if we humble ourselves and confess our need of His forgiveness, the Lord steps in and forgives and heals us. We will find ourselves healthier spiritually but often physically as well. It is so wonderful to hear the words of absolution, “You are forgiven in the name of the Lord.” As fellow believers we are priests to one another and have that privilege to speak those words to those who have confessed their sins. Let us make confession that we may be forgiven and set free.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to use you in listening to others and praying for them.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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