Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a wonderful day. I enjoyed yesterday with the Bible Study gals that met at Ann’s. There are many new gals since we moved away but  beautiful  gals who love the Lord. There is a wide age span which is so good for learning from one another. 
Last night I came down with some kind of a bug and have slept nearly all morning. The only thing I did was make one batch of cookies and  the rest of the morning I simplh slept. I missed my exercise class and we won’t be going to Bible study as I don’t want to give anyone else whatever it is i have. 
 Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Even though we are a new creation in Christ our transformation process is continuous. Our part is to keep surrendering our own will, and as we listen to the Holy Spirit, to follow in obedience.
   If we want to grow spiritually and live a full life, we need to be sensitive to any area in our lives that we grieve the Holy Spirit by our actions and attitudes. Like David prayed in Psalm 25:4-5 (God’s Word), “Make your ways known to me, O lord, and teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth an teach me because you are God, my Savior. I wait all day long for you.”
   But sadly there are many instances when we don’t follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and go our own way. Perhaps we return evil for evil. Our natural response is to inflict injury on others that have hurt us because we are wounded and want to strike back. Some choose to cancel others and put negative comments online about them that makes things worse. That is not the Jesus way.
   The Holy Spirit whispers to us to love our enemy. As Christ followers we are to patiently endure injuries done to us and lay down the right to retaliate and that is not easy. But if we withhold love and strike back, we really hurt ourselves. Resentment builds as we refuse to let go of the offense and we can’t move on in our lives. How much better when we opt to pray for our enemies instead, and even ask the Holy Spirit to tell us where we might have contributed to the situation.
    When we respond rightly God will give us endurance and love and cause us to go deeper with Him. At the time the situation may cause us hurt, but it helps us to endure if we remember the Lord sees, and He will be our place of refuge. It is likely we ourselves will be changed if we are willing to respond with a blessing and prayer for the one who has hurt us. I suspect that we will also find that our capacity to receive His love becomes greater and greater.
   Challenge for today: The next time you are hurt by another, pray for them and give up the right to get even.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy