8-23Devotions from Judy’s heart
Have you noticed how one size does not fit all? I remember when Al’s mom (who was quite large at the time) went shopping with her good friend (who was just a little slip of a thing), they were tempted to test that one out with tights. For one it would be stretched out to its limit and for the other it would bag. Likewise, even though Al and I are close on the spiritual journey, what works for him may not work for me. He recently got a new office chair and told me to sit in it any time I want when he is gone. So one day I did and it was not the right height or setting for me at all. I did a Bible study at his desk but felt like a little kid sitting up to a table that was too high for her. Also, when I get in the car and move the seat forward, I find that where Al has the mirrors set is not right for me. I miss much of what is behind me. It doesn’t mean he is wrong or I am wrong but it just isn’t the same for me. I have to reset the mirrors. That may apply to spiritual disciplines or many things on the spiritual journey. We have to be where the Lord wants us, individually, and not the place that someone else is at. At the same time we give others the freedom to be in the place God has for them, without judging. Let us remember that our Heavenly Father knows us so well, even our thoughts, and we can trust Him on the journey!
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