Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! Today Al and I are going to celebrate our birthdays which is midway between both of them in August. We are going to good restaurant in Crosby and to the Christian bookstore, where I suspect Al will spend his birthday money!Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
 Sometimes we read words that seem to just describe what we have been thinking and perhaps mulling over. Gina Smith, author and writer, wrote on “How to Find Joy in the Daily Grind.” Perhaps her description is of many of us who do the same routine things day after day, often without even thinking, and one day we question what is it all about anyway. Often it hits on those special birthdays like turning 40, or 60 or when we have little ones and do repetitive things each day; we wonder what we have accomplished and if it is important in the grand scheme of things.

 We may ask ourselves if we have wasted our lives and need improvement or are we just where God would have us be in His timetable?  God wants us to share our days with Him, even in what we might call the daily grind, the endless tasks and meetings at the office, the many interruptions with young children. Gina challenges us to partner with the Lord in all of these things and do what He has orchestrated for us. With Him by our side we find purpose in it, even in the smallest things for the Lord sees the end from the beginning. I think of Billy Graham’s mom and wonder if she realized when he was a just a wee boy, that she was helping form the life of one who would be a man of God and bring millions to the Lord. We have no idea what long range things will happen when we are partnered with the Lord.

  Our work itself should be a witness to others when we do it heartily as unto the Lord. Paul said in Col. 3:23 (God’s Word), “Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly as though you were working for your real master and not merely for humans.” If we barely squeak by in doing our work, it is not much of a testimony of who we serve. When we connect with the Lord, praying throughout our day, we can experience His help and have purpose in our doing. We need to remember the big picture, and as we serve others like our family, that we might bring glory to Him. May all we do point back to the Lord for He is in everything throughout our day.

 Challenge for today: Offer your day to the Lord and bring glory to Him in the big and the smallest tasks.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy