Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying your day. This morning I did more catch up, food prep, and took a friend to the Dollar store. Continue to pray for our friend Grace who visited as she is not feeling good yet and resting before deciding if they will continue their trip to Iowa. I also ask for prayers for my cousin Susie who has Covid and in acute respratory distress syndrome. The doctor is now trying to get her transferred to Mayo and many prayers are appreciated. Thank you!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
God’s timing is incredible! I specifically prayed for His timing Saturday morning as we were going to the lake. We wanted to get there in time to wash bedding and prepare the cabin for dear friends that were going to arrive after lunch. But on the way I also wanted to see a friend who is in Assisted Living and spends much of her time in her wheel chair. We decided to stop for gas on our way so we wouldn’t get there too early. When we arrived at Birchview Gardens there was my friend outside in the parking lot on her way to the Art Fair in her wheelchair. She had only to go down an incline from where she lived to the Art Fair but I don’t think she could have stopped her wheelchair if she had decided to go that way. I was glad I arrived when I did for when I held onto the handles of the wheelchair, I had a hard time holding it back from speeding down the incline into the path of others.
My friend has such a generous heart towards others and she loves to spend money that she has saved in order to buy gifts for her son’s family and for all the care workers where she lives. Since her eyesight is very limited, we hunted together for just the right gifts. We searched the whole Art Fair for jewelry, but since she needed about twenty gifts, paying over $50 for a pair of earrings was not in the cards. But we came upon a table that had just the right gifts and the right price, and made the vendor very happy too! We began rejoicing and thanking the Lord! Before leaving I wanted to bring her back to her room; it took all the muscle I had to get her up the incline and I wondered how she could have done this on her own without help. We both keep saying, “Isn’t God’s timing perfect!”
I know we may often feel like God is late in answering our prayers and wish He would hurry but we need to trust Him for His perfect timing. Jesus’ brothers wanted Him to show himself to the world and told him to leave Galilee and go to Judea so his disciples would see the great works he was doing. But Jesus responded with, “My time has not yet come, but your time is always here.” Jesus did exactly as His Father told him to do, and in His perfect timing. Let us not be too soon or too late for our times are in His hands.
Challenge for today: Pray each day for God’s plan and timing for your life and be patient as you wait.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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