Devotions from Judy’s heart
The Lost is Found! Over the weekend I was going for a walk to the garden and came across a couple searching for their cell phone along the road. Both of them were out looking and combing the roadside and ditch. I had never met them before but told them I would search and have Al also look as he went for his walk. I began praying that it would be found and that credit would be given to the Lord. I knew He knew where it was and also how important it was to the couple. Well after I picked some garden produce they came along in their the car, honking and waving me down…they had found it on a high hill where it had rolled off of their car roof, having put it up there before they were going some where. I told them I had been praying as I walked and that God knew where it was and wanted to help. The gal said something to the effect, “Oh, you are right! God answered! He answered your prayers and helped us. Thank you for praying.” They were grinning from ear to ear and so happy. Maybe we will see them again and the Lord gets the glory. It reminded me of the story of the lost sheep and the joy when he was found. Let us share Christ with others in our daily lives so there will be rejoicing in heaven over each one that is found!!
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