8-12 Devotions from Henri Nouwen’s book The Inner Voice of Love
Today’s devotion is on knowing we are welcome. Henri acknowledges that his greatest fear is not being welcome in this life and also not being welcome in the life to follow after this. He had thoughts at times that it would have been better if he had not lived. He did not want to give in to the forces of darkness that said he was not welcome , and desired to trust the voice of love that says, “ I love you, I knit you together in your mother’s womb.” Ps. 13:13 Everything that Jesus says to us can be summarized in the words, “ Know that you are welcome!” He offers us his most intimate life with the Father and wants His home to be ours. He is preparing a place for us in His Father’s house. The enemy wants us to believe our life is a mistake and that there is no home for us, so we have to keep unmasking that lie. Instead let us think, speak, and act according to the truth that we are very welcome!
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