Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the weekend! Today looks to be sunny and we got some rain yesterday along with a little hail. I am cleaning this morning and baking cookies and doing lots of food prep.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Everyone needs love! All around us are signs of love and beauty and it is love that binds our hearts to others. I don’t know about you, but my love is not big enough to encompass all those around me for my love is so imperfect and selfish. It is not hard to love people who love us and want the best for us, but it is a struggle to love those who treat us badly and speak evil of us. Our love runs out, but we have a source that never runs out.
Jesus’ love is like no other for He loved those that despised Him and spoke lies about Him and even crucified Him. His love is greater than words can express and reaches to the lowest hell to save all. I want to love more like Him and going to bed one night, I prayed that I could see others more through His eyes. The people that give us the most trouble are the very ones that need love the most. That’s why we need to see beyond the outward and minister to the hidden person within. Only the Lord can give us that kind of love!
When an expert in the law asked Jesus what he had to do to be saved, Jesus answered in Luke 10:27 (God’s Word), “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength, and will all your mind. And love your neighbor as you love yourself.” We first have to love God and receive His love before we can really love others. Only then can we see those around us through His lens and have self-sacrificing love for them.
When God’s supernatural love flows through us, we recognize it is Him and not our own selfish love. We want the best for others, we want to see them healed and restored and forge ahead. Every time we feed the hungry, welcome newcomers, clothe the poor, encouraging the weak, we are expressing His love in tangible ways. Let us ask to see other’s needs as He sees them and give out of a heart of His love,
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to see others through His eyes and express His love as the Holy Spirit leads you.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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