Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a peace filled day. We had a good rain and everything looks so fresh and green. I made cinnamon/raisin bread and our favorite bars before going to my exercise class this morning and tonight we have Bible Study.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
A couple days ago after a wonderful birthday celebration for Al on the deck of our daughter’s house, we went down to the cabin (Silver Chateau); our nephew joined us and we discussed the stressful situation in our country and the importance of being alert and not sleeping spiritually. I was reminded of an article I recently read by Pam Farrel, author of 50 books, who writes of God’s faithfulness when we feel we are drowning in bad news. When tough times come at us, whether it be in our own personal lives or in our nation, we can feel like we are caught under a powerful waterfalls and waves pounding on us; negativity tries to keep us under the water and it’s hard to breath and function. David must have felt that way as he says in Psalm 42 that his soul is cast down and he feels overwhelmed and cries out to be rescued. Farrel goes on tell how David handled the situation of getting out of the blows of the waves by praying expectantly and praising repeatedly. He says in Psalm 42:5(The Word), “Why are you discouraged, my soul? Why are you so restless? Put your hope in God, because I will still praise Him. He is my Savior and my God.” We can pray in faith that God will direct our lives and that His love will hold us fast, even when circumstances are difficult. Our hope is not in life being easy but in God whom we praise. Even if things don’t get better outwardly, we can be strengthened inwardly and be expectant for what God will do. Then as we spend time praising Him for all that He is and His presence with us, it is like a song in the night. Instead of feeling like we are drowning under a waterfall, Farrel says that we see the waterfall as a healing tool and the spray being a mist of refreshment. We start believing in our hearts that God will use the difficult times in our lives to work together for good. She quotes Charles Spurgeon’s words, “I have learned to kiss the wave that slams me into the Rock of Ages” As I was writing this from the cabin at the lake, there were actual whitecaps crashing against the shore as a reminder to me of His powerful love.
Challenge for today: Sit quietly in God’s presence and let the waves of His love wash over you.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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