Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a great day. This morning I made bars and went to Aldi’s and to my exercise class. Today is Al’s birthday and he preached this morning and has Bible Study tonight.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
When we know the Lord, there is always more…He has more love to give us than we can possibly receive, more promises from His word that we can ever claim, more wisdom than we can put to practice etc. He is infinite while we are finite and we will never run out of all that He has waiting for us. Our hearts need to be open and receptive and ready for all that He has.
Yesterday the Lord certainly put the icing on the cake for Al’s special day! Al and I went to Duluth to celebrate his birthday a day early. The weather was perfect as it was sunny and warm when we arrived at 9 am and walked the waterfront of Lake Superior. (No need for even a jacket) We browsed in the many shops, and chose a Mexican restaurant for lunch where we had a good conversation with a lovely waitress who we encouraged as she is preparing to be a RN. Then off to Barnes and Noble where Al had time to browse some more and actually spent some time reading his book while I shopped at the mall for his gift. On the way home we were remarking what a wonderful time we had when all of a sudden, while going through Crosby, Al’s eyes spotted a small Bible Bookstore on Main Street called Restoration; he quickly parked the car and in we went with just enough time to shop before closing time. He was amazed at all the books, even some used ones and free ones. Al found a book by an author he likes and we got some gifts for others, and encouraged and prayed for the owner. When we left, I thought, Lord you certainly know what will make Al happy on his birthday and the timing was perfect.
When we got home there was a message on our answering machine to meet a friend here in our library and she had a gift waiting for me too. It seems God always has more to give.
But more important than the tangible gifts are the gifts of His love and His mercy and grace. They never, ever, run out and there is always more to cover us when we mess up. As Paul said in II Cor. 9:8 (Message), “God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done.” He goes on to write of God’s extravagance with us for He always has more so we can not only praise Him, but also that we can share with others.
Challenge for today: Spend some time thanking the Lord for His generosity with you and pass on to with others.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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