Dear Ones,
May you have a fresh start to your day and anticipation for what God has for you. We are invited to friends for coffee and fellowship this afternoon and I hope to get some baking done this morning.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
God prepares us for all that He has planned for our lives and has gifted us in His ways that will enable us to accomplish His will. I read from Eph. 2:10 (God’s Word), “God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that He has prepared for us to do.” That means when God calls us to do something, He has put within us all that is needed to accomplish it.
It is good for us to look back over our lives and see the steps of preparation God has given for us to step into what He has for us. I never knew I was going to be a pastor’s wife and probably would not have been my first choice since it often means being upfront and speaking etc. When I think back on my life, I was very young when I started helping my aunt after school and during the summers; I was like a nanny for her large family and also helped with housework, parties for doctor friends etc. I learned a lot that served me for life in the parsonage, entertaining guests, and working alongside my husband etc. The Lord prepared me even when I was very young, for He knew I would marry a pastor and be put in difficult situations that require His wisdom and help.
Today in my devotions, I was reading about David and how God prepared him to one day be king. He started out as a simple shepherd and spent time alone with his sheep and often sang to the Lord as he played his harp. He knew the need for God’s power as he killed a lion and a bear who were after his sheep. Later he remembered God’s protection as he went against the giant, Goliath, who defied the Lord; yet he went forward without armor and bravely struck the giant and cut of his head. David became a mighty warrior and eventually king. But just like us, he was not perfect. In fact, he was a murderer, an adulterer, a deceiver and yet he repented and experienced forgiveness and came to be known as a man after God’s heart.
Let us not think that God cannot use us because we have done this or that in our lives, but remember we have a God who hears our confession and forgives all our sin. He can also use our life experiences as preparation for what He calls us to do. May we be look from God’s point of view and enter into what He has for us.
Challenge for today: Take some time to review your life and thank God for how he has prepared you for your calling today.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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