Dear Ones,
Hope you have a day of sunshine! I just made almond/ cranberry bread and soon going to Aldi’s and my exercise class. This afternon is crafts and a walk. We didn’t get the amount of snow predicted yesterday and that makes us happy although other places weren’t as fortunate. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   As I wrote this yesterday it was starting to snow and about 5” or 6″ was predicted. Somehow it is hard to think of Spring and of flowers and gardens just yet. I was given a plant that is blooming with yellow daffodils and many purple and lavender flowers and it brings a breath of spring to my heart. But in reality, it is winter out my window!
   I am reminded of my days when we lived by the lake. A neighbor (former farmer) and I had a large fenced in garden a few blocks away. After he tilled the soil, planting time was so exciting for we sowed many kinds of seeds: thereafter I walked over there most every day to see the results. At first there was nothing showing above the soil, of course, but things were happening underneath. It didn’t take long until the soil broke open and I saw greens come forth and it was exciting. I could see in my mind’s eye, that if I waited long enough, we would be at the table eating lettuce and radishes, carrots and onions and cabbage etc. Those thoughts helped me press on to tend the garden and weed and water it.
   Are not our prayers like seeds that are planted? We sow them often out of concern for our family members, friends who are sick, for others to find the Lord, or problems we are facing.  We don’t know how long that seed will be in the ground before we see results but when we sow in faith, we know that it will produce. Our expectations won’t usually be met immediately or else we may feel we just don’t need the Lord. But we can water those seeds by praying often and doing works that are led by the Spirit. We must remember that God has a plan for each seed to produce and our part is to sow and wait patiently. It says in II Cor. 9:6, “Whoever sows bountifully, will reap bountifully.” I’m sure the result may exceed what we imagine. I use to picture the big zucchinis that would multiply or the heads of cabbage that just kept growing; it seemed there was always enough to be shared with many.
   So let us be faithful to sow in prayer bountifully and plant seeds into our marriages and families, jobs, churches, and not lose heart no matter how long it takes. Who knows what beautiful fruit will come from it?
Challenge for today: Sow seeds in prayer, be patient and then thank Him when you see the fruit.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy